A hosting server should be matched with the access, availability and performance requirements of your website. Insecure operating system components, insufficient resources like memory or disk space, environments shared with unknown users, and underpowered servers can wreak havoc with your site’s security and performance.
Outsourcing the management of your hosting to us can eliminate costly expenditures for equipment, software, staffing and connectivity. We maintain our servers exclusively for our Drupal clients. Our sites are hosted on state-of-the-art high availability multiprocessor HP systems, with round-the-clock security and monitoring for hardware failures, redundant connectivity, uninterruptible power supply, digitally-monitored security systems, fire suppression and redundant cooling systems.
We maintain a state of readiness to restore your site should catastrophic failure occur. SoH monitors your hosting platform to provide the best environment in which to run Drupal and provide services required by your website. While no one can guarantee that the web will always be secure, best practices, regular maintenance, and a prompt response when issues like this arise will minimize your risk.
Because any web platform requires regular checkups and maintenance, we’ve made it easy to subscribe to ongoing essential services. Many Drupal firms allow for one in-version software update per year. For the same cost, SoH upgrades your site regularly, performing ongoing reviews throughout the year to ensure that all available security patches and updates are evaluated and implemented.
Our offering is bundled in one convenient service package called the Backstage PAS™—Priority Annual Support. We offer a unique approach to site upgrades that completely eliminates site downtime, or reduces it to just seconds in situations where a major version switchover is required.